Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back to school

Evolutionists seem awfully proud of their education. Moreover, anyone who professes himself to be a believer in Darwinism can arrogantly feel himself to be free of the banalities of punctuating and spelling correctly, since such niceties are no longer the definition of being educated. Oh, these obstreperous evolutionists! Not for them is the structure of literate discourse. Having departed from all forms of rationality in order to fit in with the popular view that randomness plus unlimited time makes intricate design, they have no need of critical thinking skills, nor of politeness. Pejoratives are their baliwick.

Yes, evolutionists are the pundits of personal propriety. They define education as kicking God out of creation. But they aren't aware that they might be putting a boojum or possibly a quark in his place. Most of them are completely unfamiliar with particle physics, so they don't know what boojums or quarks are, nor have they even heard of the postulated Higgs boson, but they agree with something Darwin said — whatever that might be — so they, of course are educated.

Inevitably, evolutionists will accuse creationists of being foolish, when, in fact, evolutionists themselves have darkened corners of understanding, dimly lit by the vagueness of scientific claims they can't possibly grasp. Entropy? They haven't heard of it, nor do they begin to understand the second law of thermodynamics. But, no matter. Even though chaos doesn't spawn order, just join the crew of the H.M.S. Beagle and gallivant around the Galápagos Islands making geologically unsound postulations. Then you are educated.

I would say, "Send these evolutionists back to school, so they can get an actual education." But the problem is education itself has been steeped in so much Darwinism that, like a pot of fresh water infused with 10-day old tea, it doesn't taste right any more.

So where do you go for an education nowadays? God only knows. And He does.

God's wisdom exceeds that of man. I know, I know, this is a bitter pill for an egotist to swallow, but someone's got to point out the obvious before the definition of being "educated" loses what little meaning it has left.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

When science isn't

Evolutionists like to say they're looking at the facts and drawing conclusions from them. But is that what they're really doing?

For example, the fossil find Lucy showed definite ape-like characteristics, especially in the formation of her hip bones, which showed she did not walk upright. The scientific solution? A cast was made of Lucy's bones and a power saw was used to alter the shape of the hip so that it appeared in a shape of an upright walker.

That's not science, my friend.

Then there's Piltdown Man, a find from 1912 that was touted as an early ancestor of man. In 1953 it was exposed as a forgery, in which bones of an orangutan were purposely combined with those of a human.

For more than 40 years, this fraud was touted as scientific fact.

There's Nebraska man from a pig's tooth, Java man whose "bones" were found 50 feet away and a year apart, Orce man who turned out to be a donkey, and Neanderthal who turned out to be an arthritic human. All of these had their artist's renditions. I'll say this for evolutionists -- they certainly are plentifully producing pictures of ape-men.

But let's be honest here. Evolutionists aren't drawing conclusions from evidence. Instead, they're actually generating so-called "evidence" to prove their theory, even if it takes a power saw to do it.

Creationists say that evolutionary thought is based on belief, not fact, and that makes it more of a religion than a science. Evolutionists counter that religion isn't testable while evolution is. So let's put the test to evolution: why all the farces and deliberate hoaxes?

Last time I checked, falsifying evidence ought to qualify someone for for jail time, not for scientific plaudits.

Selling out to Darwin

Have you noticed lately that a number of Christians seem to be embracing evolution, as if it fit comfortably between the lines of Genesis instead of going directly against everything the Lord said?

Recently I was on a blog in which purported Christians were lamenting the fact that Darwin's blessing and gift to mankind, and his huge contribution to advances in science, were being overlooked.

Um ... I have to directly disagree here. Darwin's work was not a blessing and a gift, but a cursing and a heist. The curse is that this generation is rejecting God and favoring secular views. The heist is that evolution is taking credit for knowledge the Lord gave us. The advantages we have in this country all come from the light and knowledge given us from Christ our Creator, not from secular speculations on atheistic origins.

Sure, faith and science aren't enemies. That is, accurate science isn't an enemy to God, because it always agrees with his word. But accurate science isn't what we're dealing with here. We're dealing with men's doctrines that oppose the word of God.

Evolution says that random changes in traits inherited from something unidentified some millions of years ago caused all living organisms to mutate into diverseness. Are you going to call that accurate? That's a bunch of indeterminate hogwash, all designed to controvert our divine origins.

Genesis says the Lord God created all things, each after its kind, and saw that they were good. Furthermore, the Lord stated outright that he created all things by the word of his power. It didn't take millions of years. Even as the words went forth from his mouth, they were fulfilled.

That's accuracy! I say we give heed to the word of God and toss Darwin out on his ear. Otherwise, we're just as clueless as the next slob who slithers out of the primordial soup.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

God is not a man that he should lie

Today the lines of truth are often blurred. The words diversity and tolerance are a smokescreen for arrogance and immorality. You often hear of people claiming that it is "freeing" to turn away from the living God, Jesus Christ, and toward evolution and atheism. But, in fact, no one is more of a prisoner than he who is bound by sin.

"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?" (Gal. 3:1)