Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back to school

Evolutionists seem awfully proud of their education. Moreover, anyone who professes himself to be a believer in Darwinism can arrogantly feel himself to be free of the banalities of punctuating and spelling correctly, since such niceties are no longer the definition of being educated. Oh, these obstreperous evolutionists! Not for them is the structure of literate discourse. Having departed from all forms of rationality in order to fit in with the popular view that randomness plus unlimited time makes intricate design, they have no need of critical thinking skills, nor of politeness. Pejoratives are their baliwick.

Yes, evolutionists are the pundits of personal propriety. They define education as kicking God out of creation. But they aren't aware that they might be putting a boojum or possibly a quark in his place. Most of them are completely unfamiliar with particle physics, so they don't know what boojums or quarks are, nor have they even heard of the postulated Higgs boson, but they agree with something Darwin said — whatever that might be — so they, of course are educated.

Inevitably, evolutionists will accuse creationists of being foolish, when, in fact, evolutionists themselves have darkened corners of understanding, dimly lit by the vagueness of scientific claims they can't possibly grasp. Entropy? They haven't heard of it, nor do they begin to understand the second law of thermodynamics. But, no matter. Even though chaos doesn't spawn order, just join the crew of the H.M.S. Beagle and gallivant around the Galápagos Islands making geologically unsound postulations. Then you are educated.

I would say, "Send these evolutionists back to school, so they can get an actual education." But the problem is education itself has been steeped in so much Darwinism that, like a pot of fresh water infused with 10-day old tea, it doesn't taste right any more.

So where do you go for an education nowadays? God only knows. And He does.

God's wisdom exceeds that of man. I know, I know, this is a bitter pill for an egotist to swallow, but someone's got to point out the obvious before the definition of being "educated" loses what little meaning it has left.


  1. Intellectuals and those who blindly follow them aren't about to admit there is a God. Why should they? Intellectuals have got plenty of unpronounceable words to throw around so they sound imminently educated. If you dare question them, they've got a whole slew of theories and postulations to throw at you until, bored and glassy-eyed, you just give in, and let them say that evolution is a fact.

    Besides, if anyone points out that scientific fact agrees with the Bible, you can always have him labeled a quack, blame every ill of society on those who believe in God, and hide in the cloudiness of historical forgetfulness. If anyone challenges the morality of evolution, chastise their stupidity for confusing a philosophy with a science. As quickly as possible, insist you have morals, even though you can't quite equate how they came from natural instinct rather than from the Bible. And, above all, avoid correlating Hitler to evolutionary theory in action.

    Then go back to calling creationists uneducated, because, after all, the learning of men has to declare itself superior to the wisdom of God.

  2. The very definition of uneducated is following the crowd instead of looking at the facts. If men's theories were accurate, the earth would be flat, instead of round, as the Bible has long said it is.

    "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in..." (Isa. 40:22)

    When men's knowledge catches up to God's, then they will be worthy of being considered educated. Until then, I don't plan to sit up and take notice at the latest evolutionary theory that rears its ugly head.
