Thursday, December 10, 2009

Selling out to Darwin

Have you noticed lately that a number of Christians seem to be embracing evolution, as if it fit comfortably between the lines of Genesis instead of going directly against everything the Lord said?

Recently I was on a blog in which purported Christians were lamenting the fact that Darwin's blessing and gift to mankind, and his huge contribution to advances in science, were being overlooked.

Um ... I have to directly disagree here. Darwin's work was not a blessing and a gift, but a cursing and a heist. The curse is that this generation is rejecting God and favoring secular views. The heist is that evolution is taking credit for knowledge the Lord gave us. The advantages we have in this country all come from the light and knowledge given us from Christ our Creator, not from secular speculations on atheistic origins.

Sure, faith and science aren't enemies. That is, accurate science isn't an enemy to God, because it always agrees with his word. But accurate science isn't what we're dealing with here. We're dealing with men's doctrines that oppose the word of God.

Evolution says that random changes in traits inherited from something unidentified some millions of years ago caused all living organisms to mutate into diverseness. Are you going to call that accurate? That's a bunch of indeterminate hogwash, all designed to controvert our divine origins.

Genesis says the Lord God created all things, each after its kind, and saw that they were good. Furthermore, the Lord stated outright that he created all things by the word of his power. It didn't take millions of years. Even as the words went forth from his mouth, they were fulfilled.

That's accuracy! I say we give heed to the word of God and toss Darwin out on his ear. Otherwise, we're just as clueless as the next slob who slithers out of the primordial soup.

1 comment:

  1. Darwin is indeed all the rage. He rewrote Genesis, don't you know. In the beginning, God didn't create the heaven and earth. A random genome did. And that's a fact, because evolution is a fact, not a theory any more.

    Hey, if a Christian wants to fit in with evolutionists, all he has to say is that God mildly and haphazardly directed some kind of muck through millions of years, waiting patiently for man to emerge, and presto! There's no incompatibility between evolution and Christianity.

    Never mind that the Bible says God created all living creatures abundantly, after their kind, and all his work was good. Never mind that Adam and Eve were created with their DNA code set to replicate, not randomly deviate. Never mind that each step of God's work was carefully spelled out on each day of creation. Hey, we can't have days of creation. Let's just throw that out and pretend creation took place over millions of years, and God, well God just didn't know what he was doing and Darwin is supreme.

    Men are smarter than God, anyway. Didn't you know that?
